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the camera is surrounded by green balls.



an abstract green and black sphere with a digital camera and a lens on it, surrounded by other colorful shapes and patterns. there are also several green and black objects in the background, including a green metal tube and a black sphere with a lens on it. the overall style of is abstract and futuristic, with a focus on the use of green and black colors. there are no specific objects or actions shown but it seems to be a visual representation of a digital camera lens or a camera obscura.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts an abstract green and black sphere with a digital camera and lens, surrounded by other colorful shapes and patterns. it has a futuristic style with a focus on the use of green and black colors. the overall design is visually striking and represents the concept of a digital camera lens or a camera obscura.
Prompt 2: portrays an abstract green and black sphere with a digital camera lens on it, surrounded by colorful shapes and patterns. the design has a futuristic style and the use of green and black colors creates a striking visual representation. there are no specific objects or actions shown but the overall concept is that of a digital camera lens or a camera obscura.