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a girl in purple with a sword in her hand.

Bob Esponja


an animated character in purple clothing holding a pair of scissors in front of a blue and white boat in the background. the character is also holding a white cat and has a white bow on its head. there is a red boat visible in the background as well. the character's outfit is blue and black, and it appears to be standing in front of a beach. there is a large boat in the background, and the character is holding a pair of scissors.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: in an animated character stands in front of a blue and white boat, holding a pair of scissors and a white cat. the character is dressed in blue and black, and there is a large boat visible in the background.
Prompt 2: in an animated character holds scissors and a cat in front of a blue and white boat. the character's outfit is blue and black, and there is a large boat visible in the background.