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the girl is in a black dress with a pink cape.



a beautiful woman in a black dress standing in a room with a neon light effect. she looks elegant and confident. the room has a futuristic and surreal atmosphere, with a large circle of light in the center of the room. the woman's long black dress is a striking contrast to the bright light around her. throughout the woman remains still, only her eyes move slightly. the overall mood of is mysterious and captivating, making the viewer wonder what is happening.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a beautiful woman stands in a futuristic room with a neon light effect. she wears a black dress and looks confident and elegant. the room has a surreal atmosphere with a large circle of light in the center. the woman remains still, only her eyes move slightly, creating a mysterious and captivating mood.
Prompt 2: a woman in a black dress stands in a futuristic room with a glowing circle. she looks confident and elegant. the room has a surreal atmosphere, with a large lighted circle in the center. the woman remains still, only her eyes move slightly. the overall mood is mysterious and captivating.