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the girl is in a pink dress and standing in front of a glowing circle.



a beautiful woman standing in an abstract, dark room. she is wearing a black and red dress and has long hair. the room is filled with a purple light, and there are some red and black lights on the floor. the woman looks confident and powerful, and she seems to be in a trance. there are some abstract shapes and designs on the walls, and there are also some black and red flowers on the floor. overall, has a mysterious and dreamy atmosphere, and it seems to be a surreal and imaginative scene.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a beautiful woman standing in an abstract, dark room with purple lighting. she is dressed in a black and red dress and has long hair. the room has abstract shapes and designs on the walls, and there are some black and red flowers on the floor. the woman looks confident and powerful, and she seems to be in a trance. the overall atmosphere is dreamy and surreal.
Prompt 2: a woman in a dark, abstract room with purple lighting. she is dressed in a black and red dress and has long hair. the room has abstract shapes and designs on the walls, and there are some black and red flowers on the floor. the woman seems to be in a trance and has a confident and powerful appearance.