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the man in the beanie is holding a lightning bolt.

Сташевский Влад


a man with a hat and beard holding a lightning bolt in his hand. the background is dark and stormy, with lightning strikes in the sky. the man appears to be a superhero or a villain, as he is surrounded by electricity and fire. is animated, and the lightning and fire are clearly visible. the man's face in various poses, such as scowling, looking angry, or smiling. the overall theme of is likely a fictional superhero story.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: features a man with a hat and beard holding a lightning bolt in a dark and stormy background. the man has various facial expressions, including anger and smiling, while the background shows lightning strikes and fire. the overall theme is likely a fictional superhero story.
Prompt 2: a man in a hat and beard holding a lightning bolt in a stormy background. the man's facial expressions range from anger to a smile. the background features lightning and fire, creating a dramatic atmosphere. is animated, and the lightning and fire are clearly visible.