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two flies flying in the crib.



a baby's crib with white walls, a wooden baby crib, and a light source. there are two large windows on one side of the crib, and birds are flying in front of the windows. the baby crib is in a white room with white walls, and there is a large window on one side of the room. the birds appear to be flying in front of the window, and their wings are fully extended.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a baby's crib with white walls, a wooden baby crib, and a light source. there are two large windows on one side of the crib, and birds are flying in front of the windows. the baby crib is in a white room with white walls, and there is a large window on one side of the room. the birds are fully extended as they fly in front of the window.
Prompt 2: there is a white baby crib with two large windows on one side. birds are flying in front of the windows, and their wings are fully extended. the crib is in a white room with white walls, and there is a large window on one side of the room. the scene is well-lit, and the birds' movements are graceful.