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a panther is attacking a parrot.



features a black panther stalking its prey in a jungle. the cat has a purple mane and is wearing a green tutu. the prey is a yellow bird that is in the middle of the jungle. the camera is focused on the panther, and is shot in a dark, misty environment. the colors of are dark and muted, with shades of purple and green. the panther's movements are slow and deliberate, giving the impression that it is trying to stay stealthy while stalking its prey.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a black panther stalking its prey in a dark jungle. the cat has a purple mane and is wearing a green tutu, while the prey is a yellow bird. the camera is focused on the panther, and is shot in a misty environment.
Prompt 2: depicts a black panther stalking its prey in a dense jungle, with a purple mane and green tutu. the prey is a yellow bird, and the camera focuses on the panther's stealthy movements. is shot in a misty environment, with dark and muted colors.