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the bride and groom kissed in front of the moon.

Bianca Neve


a beautiful bride and groom standing in a room with a large window, looking out at the moon and stars. they are standing in front of a white door with a window above it. the room has a warm, romantic atmosphere with a large fireplace and some candles. the bride is wearing a white wedding dress, and the groom is wearing a black tuxedo. they are standing close together and looking lovingly at each other. is very romantic and peaceful, and the couple looks happy and in love.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a beautiful bride and groom standing in a room with a large window, looking out at the moon and stars. they are standing close together and looking lovingly at each other. the room has a warm, romantic atmosphere with a large fireplace and some candles. the bride is wearing a white wedding dress, and the groom is wearing a black tuxedo.
Prompt 2: a bride and groom standing in a room with a large window, looking out at the moon and stars. they are standing close together and looking lovingly at each other. the room has a warm, romantic atmosphere with a large fireplace and some candles. the bride is wearing a white wedding dress, and the groom is wearing a black tuxedo.