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two anime girls wearing headphones standing next to each other

alessandra argenti


a foggy spirit is raising from the bark of an ancient tree, camera slowly pans, cinema quality, close up, moonlight natural light




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two anime characters, a black cat and a white cat, wearing headphones and standing next to each other. they are both wearing white shirts and black hoodies. them standing in front of a green background with a pinkish hue. the cat on the left is wearing a pink earring, while the cat on the right is wearing a black earring. ends with the two cats standing next to each other.
Prompt 2: two cartoon characters, a white and a black cat, wearing headphones and standing next to each other. the white cat is wearing a white jacket, while the black cat has a black jacket. the black cat is seen with a red and white striped shirt, and the white cat is wearing a white shirt. showcases the characters' different appearances and accessories.