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a bunch of pink flowers on a blue background

Gráfica Cidade


a pink flower with a green stem and leaf, which is drawn in a pencil sketch. the flower in various positions, including a close-up and a side view. also includes a tutorial on how to draw the flower, with a step-by-step guide on how to create the sketch. the pink flower is the main focus of and it is beautifully drawn with a pencil. is informative and easy to follow for anyone looking to learn how to draw a flower.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a blue background with a pink flower and a green leaf. the flower from various angles, including a close-up of its center. also shows a pink and green flower on a blue background and a pink flower on a blue background. the flower in different colors, including orange and pink. ends with a blue background and a pink flower.
Prompt 2: showcases a beautifully drawn image of a flower with a green stem and leaves, with the flower being the main focus. then transitions to a real-life image of a flower, with the flower being the main focus. ends with a real-life image of a flower with a green stem and leaves.