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a woman dressed in oriental clothing dancing in front of a curtain

Lava xxx


a white-clad woman performing a dance routine. throughout she moves her arms and legs around while looking off into the distance. her outfit consists of a white tunic and pants, and she is wearing white makeup. the woman finishes her routine by moving her hands.



Move AnimatorWj

Date Created

May 14,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a person dressed in white and blue pants dancing in front of a window. the person is seen making different moves, including bending down and moving their arms and legs. they also hold a fan and move their arms and legs around. ends with the person standing in front of the window, and the window has chinese writing on it.
Prompt 2: a woman dressed in white who performs a dance routine in front of a window. she moves her arms and legs around while looking off into the distance. the woman's movements are graceful and fluid, and she appears to be enjoying herself. the background of is a window with trees visible outside. the woman's outfit is simple yet elegant, and her hair is styled in a neat bun. the lighting is soft and natural, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. overall, showcases a beautiful and captivating dance performance by a talented woman.