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a man holding a light saber in front of an alien



depicts an astronaut standing in front of a spacecraft, looking out into the vastness of space. a purple planet glows in the background, while a massive spaceship hangs in the distance. a comet can be seen in the background, and an eerie feeling of isolation is present throughout the scene. the colors are dark and vivid, creating a sense of mystery and wonder.




Date Created

May 12,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man in a costume holding a sword and pointing it towards a large planet. the man is seen standing on a hill, and the sword is shining brightly. also shows a spaceship flying through the galaxy, and the man is seen standing on a beach with the sword. ends with the man standing on a hill with the sword.
Prompt 2: a man in a costume holding a sword and pointing it at a large planet. the man is standing on a hill, and the sword is glowing red. the planet is surrounded by a blue sky with some white clouds. the man is wearing a cape and a helmet, and the sword is very large. captures the beauty of the planet and the man's action.