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a man and a woman sitting next to each other



My (28F) boyfriend (34M) of five years dropped a bomb about not marrying me, am I wasting my time?Hi, ever since the start of the relationship I made it very clear that I ultimately want to marry and start family. Since we just celebrated our five years together and went to a beautiful vacation together, I half expected my boyfriend to propose. He did not.I’ve been dropping hints this past year and even my mother and father started asking when we’ll get married, his family too. I toned it down since he seemed to be bombarded from all directions and I didn’t want to pressure him. But over time it started to really weigh down on me, because I didn’t know if he was serious about this relationship and wanted to proceed. So I sat him down yesterday and asked if he ever plans on marrying me, to which he replied that yes, he wanted to marry, but doesn’t feel comfortable about marrying ME yet. I was hurt and confused, we’ve had ups and downs but so does every relationship. I thought it was about money, but instead he




Date Created

May 15,2024Wj




Run Count 840819

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a man and a woman exchanging their opinions on religion and their beliefs. they engage in a conversation about the existence of god. the woman tries to explain her beliefs, and the man listens attentively. the conversation continues with the man trying to understand the woman's beliefs. aims to demonstrate the importance of respecting each other's beliefs and understanding the nuances of different religious beliefs.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman sitting on a couch, where the woman is seen rubbing the man's arm. they then stand up and begin to dance together. ends with the woman speaking to the camera.