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a picture of a man standing in front of a bunch of guns



a large statue of a man holding a hammer and standing in the snow. the man is wearing a brown leather outfit and has a brown leather hat. the statue is made of wood and has a chain around its neck. the man's arm is raised, and he is holding the hammer in his hand. the statue is surrounded by many weapons, including guns and swords. the man looks very angry and seems to be ready to throw the hammer. captures the beauty of the snowy landscape and the impressive size of the statue. overall, showcases the power and strength of the man and the statue's impressive size and craftsmanship.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a large statue of a man holding a hammer, surrounded by a pile of broken pieces of the same hammer. the statue is made of wood and is located in a snowy area. the man's statue is positioned in such a way that it appears as if he is throwing the hammer at the pile of broken pieces. the statue is quite large and is placed in the middle of the pile of broken hammer pieces. the area around the statue is covered in snow, which adds to the overall atmosphere of the scene. overall, showcases a unique and intriguing statue in a snowy environment.
Prompt 2: showcases a snowy landscape with a large statue of a hulk holding a hammer. the statue is surrounded by a large number of hammers and guns scattered around. the hulk statue is the main focus of and it is depicted in various poses, including a defensive stance. the statue is made of metal and is quite large, covering a significant portion of the snowy landscape. the hammers and guns surrounding the statue add to the overall scene, creating a sense of danger and tension. captures the beauty of the snowy landscape while also emphasizing the strength and power of the hulk statue.