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a lion with swirls on its body

Efra Siyab


a majestic lion, which in different settings. at first, the lion is seen laying on a sandy beach with a blue sky and mountains in the background. then, the lion resting on a rock, with the sun setting in the background. the lion is also shown sitting in the middle of a sandy plain, with the sun shining brightly. throughout the lion in different colors such as blue, brown and white, and in different positions, including lying down, sitting and standing. captures the beauty and tranquility of the natural world, showcasing the majestic lion in its natural habitat.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a lion lying on the ground with a beautiful sunset in the background. the lion is seen in various positions, including sitting and lying down, and the sunset is captured in different colors. also shows the lion in a more abstract form, with its mane and tail flowing in the wind. the lion is seen in different positions, including sitting and lying down, and the sunset is captured in different colors. ends with the lion lying down on the ground.
Prompt 2: a lion lying on the sandy beach, surrounded by mountains and the sun setting in the background. the lion's mane is intricately designed with a blue and white color scheme, and its eyes are glowing red. captures the serene beauty of the beach and the majestic presence of the lion.