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a blue angel with white wings and blue armor

son do


a blue angel holding a large blue sphere in its right hand and a large blue sword in its left hand. the angel is seen standing in different positions, including standing on a rock, in the air, and in front of a blue background. also shows the angel holding a blue ball in its hand. ends with the angel standing in front of a blue background.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

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Prompt 1: a blue angel holding a large blue sphere in its hands. the angel is seen standing in different positions, including standing in front of a black background and in front of a white background. also shows the angel holding a blue light in its hands and a blue ball in its hands. ends with the angel holding a blue light in its hands.
Prompt 2: a blue angel holding a large blue sphere with wings spread out. the angel is seen holding the sphere in various positions, and ends with the angel holding the sphere in its hands.