a painting of a group of people standing around a table
Havia também seu mordomo do castelo, um homem de semblante sério e olhar atento, circulava entre os convidados.
Date Created
May 18,2024Wj

Run Count 840659
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a man and woman dressed in white walking through a large room with many people. they are followed by a group of people dressed in black who are seen walking in front of them. then shows the man and woman dressed in white walking through a hallway with many people walking in front of them. ends with a man and woman dressed in white walking through a hallway with many people walking in front of them. seems to be showing a wedding or a large event where people are dressed up and walking around. gives a vivid image of the room and the people dressed up in fancy clothes.
Prompt 2: depicts a man and a woman dressed in white walking through a large room filled with people. they both carry umbrellas and are engaged in conversation. the woman is seen walking away from the man also shows a man in a suit walking down a hallway and a man in a suit standing in front of a crowd.