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a person standing in front of a large winged angel



showcases a fantastical scene of a dark, winged creature with chains on its wings, surrounded by a hazy misty environment. the being extends its arms outward, revealing its chains, and then moves its arms upward, showcasing its wings. captures the creature's unique and captivating appearance, highlighting its dark and mysterious aura.




Date Created

May 21,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of a statue of an angel with wings, which in various positions. the statue is made of metal and has a gothic design. the camera captures the statue from different angles, and the lighting changes throughout the statue in a dark room, with a light shining on it, and in a room with a light shining on it. the statue is also shown in a room with a light shining on it. ends with the statue being shown in a dark room.
Prompt 2: a close-up of a statue of an angel, which from various angles. the statue is made of metal and has intricate details, including wings and a halo. the lighting is dim, with a focus on the statue, which is the main subject. the camera captures the statue from different angles, highlighting its beauty and craftsmanship. ends with a close-up of the statue, showcasing its intricate details and beauty.