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the ethereum logo on a computer screen

Thanh Sơn Phùng


starts with a graphic of the bitcoin cryptocurrency logo and then transitions to a graphic of a city. then shows a graphic of a block of bitcoins and a graphic of the earth. finally, ends with a graphic of the bitcoin logo.




Date Created

May 21,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: starts with a shot of a city at night, and then transitions to a screen of a city with a lot of lights. the screen then changes to a screen filled with the word "litecoin" and the word "crypto" written in the middle. following this, a shot of a computer screen with the word "litecoin" written in the middle. then changes to a computer screen with the word "crypto" written in the middle. ends with a shot of a computer screen with the word "litecoin" written in the middle. seems to be promoting the use of litecoin and crypto in the world of finance and technology.
Prompt 2: a computer screen displaying a graph with a blue triangle and a square with a white triangle. the triangle in different colors, including blue and white. also includes a computer screen displaying a graph with a blue triangle and a square with a white triangle. also features a computer screen displaying a graph with a blue triangle and a square with a white triangle.