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a bitcoin on fire in front of a stock chart

Thanh Sơn Phùng


a red background with a golden coin spinning, followed by a graph with a golden coin on top. the coin is then shown in different positions, including a close-up and a spinning motion. also includes a graph with a golden coin on top and a graph with a golden coin on top and a line graph. ends with a graph with a golden coin on top and a line graph.




Date Created

May 23,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a bitcoin logo spinning on a red background, with the words "bitcoin" written below it. the logo is then shown spinning on a red background with the words "bitcoin" written above it. ends with a close-up of the bitcoin logo.
Prompt 2: a red background with a large golden coin that rotates. the coin has the bitcoin symbol on it and is surrounded by flames. also shows a graph with flames on it, and a large flame with the bitcoin symbol in the middle. ends with a graph of a flame with the bitcoin symbol in the center.