a man in a cowboy hat is walking down a dark road
In a town where the wild wind blows,A bad guy walks, and everybody knows,He's got a hat tipped low on his brow,No hello nod, no friendly howdy now.His boots kick up the dusty road,He walks alone, no heart, no code,Eyes like steel, cold and gray,Whispers trail him, but he just walks away.Yet in the night when stars hang high,The bad guy looks up, lets out a sigh,Maybe dreams of a life not so awry,A chance to change before his goodbye.
Date Created
May 26,2024Wj

Run Count 840880
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a man dressed in a black suit and cowboy hat walking down a dirt road. he is wearing a black shirt and a black hat. the road is surrounded by a forest with trees of all sizes. the man is walking with the wind blowing his shirt, and he is walking slowly. the sky is dark, and the moon is visible in the background. the man is walking in the opposite direction of the camera. as he walks, there are bats flying in the sky. the man is walking in a peaceful and calm environment.
Prompt 2: a man dressed in a cowboy hat and black suit walking down a deserted road. he is wearing a black shirt and is the only person the road is lined with trees and birds can be seen flying over the road. the man walks for a while before he starts to run and continues running till he disappears from the camera's view.