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a woman in a military uniform is holding a rifle



a soldier kneeling in the grassy field. the weather appears to be foggy. the soldier is holding a gun and has smoke coming out of the muzzle. the soldier's uniform is dirty and torn, and they appear to be in a state of distress. the soldier seems to be in the middle of a battle situation.




Date Created

May 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a soldier holding a gun while sitting in the grass with a fire in the background. the soldier appears to be in a war-like setting, ready to shoot at anyone who comes her way. she seems to be waiting for something or someone, and her posture suggests that she is alert and ready for action. the surrounding grass and fire create a sense of tension and danger, and the soldier's focus highlights the seriousness of the situation.
Prompt 2: a man in a military uniform holding a paintball gun and aiming it while sitting in the grass. he fires the gun and continues to shoot while moving around. also includes a woman in a military uniform who aiming the gun and holding it up. showcases the use of paintball guns in a military setting.