a man in a suit and tie standing in a puddle of money
في يوم من الأيام، قرر رجل طموح أن يصبح ملك العقارات. اشترى عقارًا بقيمة 1.8 مليون وبدأ يحلم بالعائد الكبير، حيث أخبره مستشاره العبقري أن العائد سيكون 10%، أي 180,000. بدأ الرجل يتخيل نفسه يسبح في بحيرة من الأموال.
Date Created
May 31,2024Wj

Run Count 840550
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a man standing in a pool of water surrounded by money. he is wearing a suit and tie, and he is holding a red tie. the man is seen talking to the camera while the camera pans around the pool of money. the man is also seen standing in front of a building and in front of a large pile of money. ends with the man standing in front of the pool of money.
Prompt 2: starts with a man standing in a flooded area, with a large pile of money in front of him. he is wearing a suit and tie. the camera then cuts to a scene where the same man is standing in front of a large building, with a pile of money in front of him. the building is surrounded by a large pile of money. the man then walks into the water and disappears, leaving only the piles of money behind. ends with a scene of the man standing in the water with a pile of money in front of him. overall, the man surrounded by money in various settings, including a flooded area and a large building.