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a painting of a person standing on the beach next to a palm tree

Marcus Oliveira


1: Sonho de MatiasA noite caía pesada sobre San Diego, como um cobertor escuro salpicado pelas luzes esparsas da cidade. O vento soprava suavemente, trazendo o murmúrio distante do oceano. Na pequena casa de Matias, o relógio marcava 23:45 quando ele finalmente se rendeu ao sono, os olhos fechando devagar, afundando em travesseiros macios que não conseguiam aliviar a tensão de sua mente jovem.No sonho, ele estava na beira de uma praia. A areia estava quente sob seus pés descalços, a brisa salgada acariciando seu rosto. Mas o céu, normalmente um vasto manto azul, estava agora enegrecido, como se uma tempestade estivesse prestes a explodir. Matias olhou para cima e viu um cometa colossal cortando os céus, deixando um rastro de fogo e destruição. Pessoas ao redor começaram a gritar, seus rostos deformados pelo pânico. O cometa se chocou com o oceano, e a água explodiu em uma onda titânica que avançava rapidamente, varrendo tudo em seu caminho. Sons de Trombeta ecoavam do céu.Ele tentou correr, mas seus pés parec




Date Created

June 19,2024Wj




Run Count 840914

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a serene beach scene with a person standing on the shore, watching the waves rolling in. the sky is cloudy and orange, and the waves are crashing onto the shore. the person is wearing a black shirt and is standing near the water. the waves are white and foamy, and the person seems to be enjoying the view. the clouds are moving in the sky, and the sun is setting, casting a warm glow on the beach. the person is standing alone, and the beach is deserted. the waves are crashing onto the shore, and the person is watching them. the sky is cloudy and orange, and the sun is setting, casting a warm glow on the beach. the person is standing near the water, and the waves are white and foamy. the clouds are moving in the sky, and the person seems to be enjoying the view. overall, captures a peaceful and tranquil moment on a deserted beach.
Prompt 2: a person walking on a beach during a sunset. the sky is orange and cloudy, and the person is walking towards the water. the beach is empty except for the person, and the waves are crashing on the shore. the person is wearing a white shirt and black pants, and they are carrying a backpack. the sun is setting, and the sky is illuminated by the orange hues of the sunset. the waves are crashing on the shore, and the person is walking towards the water. captures the peaceful and serene atmosphere of the beach during a sunset.