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a cat in a white dress standing next to a cat in a white dress standing next to a cat in a white dress standing next to a cat

Hao Hao Tran


two white toy cats, one wearing a white shirt and the other wearing a white sweater, sitting on a wooden floor. the cat in the white shirt is holding a toothbrush and pretending to brush its teeth while the other cat watches. the cat in the white sweater then pretends to brush its teeth with a toothbrush as well. ends with the two cats sitting next to each other and looking at the camera.




Date Created

June 23,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two white cats, one of which is a toy, and the other is a real cat. the toy cat is seen holding a toothbrush and pretending to brush its teeth. the real cat is also seen brushing its teeth. ends with the toy cat and the real cat sitting together.
Prompt 2: a white cat and a white dog sitting on a wooden floor. the cat is holding a toothbrush and pretending to brush its teeth, while the dog is also pretending to brush its teeth. the cat then pretends to brush the dog's teeth with the toothbrush. is a humorous take on pet dental hygiene.