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a figurine of a tiger with large muscles

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a large orange toy tiger in a room with gray walls. the toy tiger from multiple angles, including from the front and side. the toy tiger has small black tigers on its chest, and its right hand is bigger than its left hand. the toy tiger with its mouth open, and its tongue is sticking out.




Date Created

April 12,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: an orange toy tiger with a ripped shirt that is holding a small ball. the tiger standing with its arms outstretched, and also shows the tiger with a full body shot. the tiger is depicted in various positions, including standing on a white background, standing on a white table, and standing on a white background with the letter t visible.
Prompt 2: showcases a variety of toys and figurines, including a toy tiger that is displayed in different ways and a toy elephant that is held up by a man. the tiger toy in a close-up shot and then in a larger shot, and it is also shown holding a paw up. a vibrant color scheme, with the toys appearing in shades of orange, yellow, and blue. overall, showcases the variety of toys and figurines available for purchase.