a bowl filled with rice and chili peppers
Age 55, Name Akali Mia, dark, dark eyesThe fat man happily eats panta rice with 2 chillies, 1 onion and a pinch of salt.Its very attractive top class video
Date Created
April 13,2024Wj

Run Count 839542
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: showcases a black bowl filled with white rice topped with green leaves on a black table. the bowl is garnished with red peppers, creating an appetizing display. the camera captures an upward view of the bowl, highlighting the arrangement of the rice and peppers. the scene evokes a sense of anticipation, inviting viewers to indulge in the dish. the arrangement of the rice and peppers is visually appealing, highlighting the freshness and vibrancy of the ingredients. the green leaves add a pop of color to the dish, complementing the white rice and red peppers. throughout the camera focuses on the bowl, providing viewers with a close-up view of the dish. concludes with a final shot of the rice and peppers, emphasizing the harmony between the ingredients.
Prompt 2: a bowl filled with rice and red peppers, with green leaves on top. the camera pans out to show the entire bowl, and the rice and peppers are stirred. ends with the closing credits.