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a couple of people standing in the water near a boat

Juneval Pereira de Liz


Sinopse Parte 2: Após uma jornada tumultuada, a tripulação do "Horizonte" finalmente chega a um lugar inesperado: uma terra habitada por vikings. Surpresos e confusos, eles logo descobrem que não estão em um planeta distante, mas sim no passado da Terra.Enquanto tentam entender como isso é possível, os membros da equipe se envolvem na sociedade viking, enfrentando desafios culturais e políticos. Mas conforme exploramos esse novo mundo, percebemos que sua presença pode ter consequências catastróficas para a linha do tempo.Agora, além de encontrar uma maneira de voltar para casa, eles precisam lidar com a responsabilidade de proteger o curso natural da história. Em uma corrida contra o tempo, eles enfrentaram dilemas morais e desafios tecnológicos para corrigir os erros do passado e garantir um futuro seguro para a humanidade."Além dos Limites: A Saga Continua" mergulha ainda mais fundo na aventura cósmica, explorando os limites da moralidade e da viagem no tempo, enquanto a equipe luta para reconciliar o passa




Date Created

April 16,2024Wj




Run Count 841054

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two men are walking along a beach, and they are both dressed in long coats. one of the men is wearing a hat. they are both carrying a bag with them. the sky is cloudy, and the sea is calm. the men seem to be enjoying the serene environment, and they are talking to each other. they are both wearing shoes and have long hair. after a while, they stop walking, and the men turn around. they both seem to be in a deep conversation. the weather seems to be cool, and the scenery is beautiful. the beach is wide and sandy, and the water is calm and blue. seems to be shot on a sunny day, with a few clouds in the sky.
Prompt 2: begins with two men standing on a rocky shore, with a boat in the background. the camera then shows a foggy area with the two men still standing on the shore. the focus then shifts to the boat, floating on the water, and the two men are shown standing on the shore in front of it, and then the boat. the camera then shifts back to the two men standing on the shore. the scene then changes to the two men standing on the shore in front of a rocky mountain. ends with the two men standing on the shore in front of the foggy area.