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a room full of marijuana plants in pots

Andrey Yepanchinzev


showcases a store with a large number of marijuana plants in pots. the plants are of different sizes and are placed in various locations throughout the store. the store has a green theme, and the plants are well-maintained and thriving. provides a glimpse into the world of marijuana cultivation and the care and attention that goes into growing these plants.




Date Created

April 22,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a grocery store with green and red neon lights. the store is specifically a store for weed. a green plant with pink lights and a green plant with yellow lights. the store is filled with plants and pots. the plants are arranged in a way that they give off a green color. the store seems to be busy with people walking in and out. the store has a unique theme, and it is attracting customers. in the end, showcases the store's website.
Prompt 2: showcases the growth process of marijuana plants from seedlings to full-grown plants, focusing on the different stages of cannabis plants. it begins with the plants being shown in a dark room, then moves on to show the plants in a red room with different colored lights, and finally, in a greenhouse with lights on. highlights the different types of cannabis plants with colored leaves and flowers, emphasizing their growth process and various stages.