a painting of a man standing in front of a crowd
Lord Prado não conseguia dar dois passos a sua frente, sem ser ovacionado e presenteado. Algo que ele nunca havia conhecido antes, e não sabia como lidar, mas sentia que era bom, apesar de novo, nunca havia sentido algo diferente de sus súditos que não fosse adoração por medo. Estava gostando daquilo tudo.Sith Prado, ordenou então que organizassem uma gigantesca festa, em comemoração a mais nova paz do império, e convidou seus antes maiores rivais e também amigos, para presenciarem toda aquela festa.
Date Created
May 3,2024Wj

Run Count 840128
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a crowd of people gathered around a man dressed in a red robe, who is standing on a stage and gesturing to the crowd. the man seems to be giving a speech, and the crowd seems to be listening attentively. that the man is wearing a crown, which suggests that he might be a leader or an important figure. the stage is set up with a large crowd, and that the man is speaking to the crowd, who are all facing him. the man seems to be using his hands to emphasize his words, and the crowd seems to be responding by clapping. overall, seems to capture a moment of public speaking, with the man dressed in a red robe and the crowd listening attentively.
Prompt 2: a man dressed in a regal red and gold outfit standing on a balcony. he is seen waving his arms around and pointing off into the distance, possibly addressing a crowd or giving a speech. the man's confident demeanor and the grandness of his attire suggest that he holds a position of authority or importance. may depict a moment of triumph or a call to action.