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a bonsai tree in a pond surrounded by water lilies

amitabha H


極樂國土 有佛在說法。西方三聖 阿彌陀佛 觀世音菩薩 大勢至菩薩極樂國土。七重欄楯。七重羅網。七重行樹。皆是四寶週帀圍繞七寶池水。池金沙。四邊階道。金、銀、琉璃、玻瓈、合成。上有樓閣。以金、銀、琉璃、玻瓈、硨磲、赤珠、瑪瑙、而嚴飾。池中蓮華。大如車輪。青色青光。黃色黃光。赤色赤光。白色白光。微妙香潔。黃金為地。雨天曼陀羅華。有白鶴、孔雀、鸚鵡、舍利、迦陵頻伽、共命之鳥。




Date Created

September 29,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a serene garden with a large green tree situated in the middle of a pond. the tree has a large trunk and its branches are visible. the garden has a few potted plants with different sizes, shapes, and colors. the pond has a few yellow and purple flowers floating on the surface. the scene is peaceful with the sound of water flowing.
Prompt 2: showcases a serene and picturesque scene of a large pond with a beautifully manicured garden surrounding it. the pond is home to a variety of water lilies, and a large boulder can be seen in the middle of the pond. the garden features a variety of plants, including a large tree with green leaves and a small tree with pink flowers. also includes a painting of a tree with green leaves and a pink flower, which adds to the overall beauty of the scene.