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a person standing in the middle of a group of people

Vikky Master


(Drone view + Magical lighting) An aerial view of a vast, enchanted battlefield with swirling energy storms and mystical creatures in combat. The energy storms generate dazzling flashes of light and color as they clash with the magical forces of the creatures. Giant, animated runes float above the battlefield, casting dynamic, shifting patterns of light over the scene. The atmosphere is chaotic yet spectacular, with a constant sense of motion and magical intensity.




Date Created

September 30,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a game of world of warcraft, where a player is seen standing in a field while the camera pans around him. the camera then shows a group of enemies approaching him in the distance. the game is set in a dark field with a blue sky and fire in the background. the player is seen fighting off the enemies with a sword in hand, while the camera captures him from a distance. showcases the different elements of the game, including the field, sky, and fire, and the player's movements and actions in the game.
Prompt 2: a man standing on a tower, shooting arrows at a dragon. the dragon flies away, and the man climbs down the tower. also features various scenes of people fighting and shooting at each other, with the man in the tower being the main focus.