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a man and a little girl standing next to each other

Malay Shrivastava


They are moving closer. They embraced each other. The left person is Hugging the right person. Hug, romantic couple.




Date Created

October 6,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman standing in front of a mirror. the woman is wearing a pink shirt and a red skirt, while the man is wearing a pink shirt. the woman is holding a knife and pretending to cut the man's neck, but he is not hurt. the man then kisses the woman on the cheek.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman standing in front of a camera. the man is wearing a pink shirt and glasses, while the woman is wearing a pink top and red skirt. they both seem to be in a happy mood and are smiling. the man lifts the girl up and puts her on his back, and then she puts her leg around his neck. the man then kisses the girl on the cheek. overall, portrays a lighthearted moment between two people enjoying each other's company.