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a woman shaking hands with another woman on a stage



They are moving closer. They embraced each other. The left person is Hugging the right person. Hug, romantic couple.




Date Created

October 19,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two women, one dressed in a black and white shirt and the other in a black and white dress, who are standing in front of a green door. they are talking to each other, and the woman in the dress is seen walking away from the door. later, the woman in the dress turns around and walks back to the door, where she begins dancing. she then walks away from the door again. ends with the woman in the dress walking towards the camera.
Prompt 2: two women, one wearing a white shirt and the other wearing a black and white shirt, standing on a stage. the woman in the black and white shirt is seen talking on her phone while the other woman is seen dancing. the woman in the white shirt then starts dancing as well. ends with the woman in the black and white shirt taking the phone from the other woman and continuing to dance.