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ChatGPT 4o miniLog inYou said:Comedy scriptChatGPT said:ChatGPTSure! Here’s a short comedy script set in a coffee shop.Title: "The Coffee Conundrum"INT. COFFEE SHOP - MORNINGJEN, a barista, stands behind the counter, bored. Enter BOB, a customer with a bewildered expression.BOB(looking at the menu)Uh, what’s a "triple shot, half-caf, vanilla latte with oat milk"?JEN(smirking)It’s coffee for people who want to sound fancy while having a complete identity crisis.BOB(laughs)Alright, I’ll just have a regular coffee then.JEN(surprised)Wow, brave choice. You sure you can handle that level of spontaneity?Bob nods seriously. Jen prepares the coffee.JEN(continuing)What do you want, sugar or cream?BOBUh, just black. I’m trying to cut back on...everything.JEN(impressed)Wow, a health kick! How’s that going?BOB(sighs)Not great. Last week, I had a "salad" that turned out to be just lettuce and regret.JEN(chuckles)At least it was organic regret. Those toxins are hard to shake!Jen hands Bob his coffee.JENHere you go, one cup




Date Created

October 1,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman who is seen reading off a paper and speaking to the camera. she continues reading off the paper and looking back to the camera. seems to be focused on the woman reading off the paper and speaking.
Prompt 2: a woman speaking to the camera while a list of words scrolls across the screen. the list includes words such as "jejune," "jennifer," and "jennifer." the woman continues speaking to the camera while the list of words is displayed.