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a screen shot of a youtube video with a man sitting at a table

Yash Keshri






Date Created

October 1,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man sitting at a table and looking off into the distance. he then begins speaking to the camera, and zooms in on him as he continues to talk. the man's speaking style is informative and engaging, and he appears to be sharing valuable information with the audience. the setting of is not clear, but that the man is in a well-lit room, and there is a table and a chair visible in the background. overall, seems to be focused on the man's speech, and it appears to be an informative or educational piece.
Prompt 2: a man sitting at a table, with a video of the same man in a collage on the screen behind him. the man is seen speaking to the camera, and there are several other people in the room with him. seems to be focused on the man's speech, and the collage of images behind him could be related to the topic he is discussing. the room has a warm and cozy atmosphere, with a fireplace in the background. overall, appears to be a recording of a speech or presentation, with the man at the center of attention.