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a teddy bear playing a guitar in front of a waterfall

Andika Luk Dre


A teddy bear in sunglasses playing electric guitar, dancing and headbanging in the jungle in front of a large beautiful waterfall.




Date Created

October 2,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: captures a teddy bear wearing sunglasses and staring at the camera. the teddy bear is playing a guitar while singing along with the music. the background features a beautiful waterfall which adds to the serene atmosphere of the teddy bear's movements are a delight to watch, as it strums the guitar with its paws while singing along with the music. is a perfect blend of music, visuals, and cute toys, making it a treat to watch.
Prompt 2: a brown teddy bear dressed in a sunglass and a red shirt, playing an acoustic guitar. the bear is seated in front of a waterfall while the guitar is orange in color. also shows a few other bears, including a teddy bear wearing a red shirt and another one wearing a sunglass and a red shirt. ends with a shot of the bear playing the guitar.