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the astronaut is standing in a hallway



a futuristic room with a man in an astronaut costume standing in front of a white-colored wall. the man has a spacesuit on, and the room appears to be a laboratory or space station. the wall has a blue lighting effect, and there is a round light fixture on the ceiling. the man is standing still, and there are no other objects or people in the room.




Date Created

December 29,2023Wj




DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1018006

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man in a futuristic space suit standing alone in a white room with blue lighting. the scene is set in a laboratory or space station, and the man is likely an astronaut. the room is well-lit, and the walls are made of glass. the man is standing still, and there is no other activity in the room. the scene is visually interesting, with a mix of blue and white colors. overall, is visually striking and offers a unique glimpse into a futuristic space environment.
Prompt 2: features a man in a futuristic spacesuit standing alone in a white room with blue lighting. the scene appears to be set in a laboratory or space station. the man is stationary, and there is no other activity in the room. the walls are made of glass, and the overall design of the room is visually striking.