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a painting of a man on a horse with a sword

Charles Douglas jr


depicts a painting of a man in a red uniform sitting on a white horse. the man is wearing a red jacket with gold buttons, a black vest, and a white shirt. he has a black belt around his waist and a black and white scarf tied around his neck. the horse is white with a black mane and tail. there is a red-colored tree in the background, and the painting is done in a traditional style with vivid colors. the overall theme of the painting is historical and classic.




Date Created

December 29,2023Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1018006

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a painting of a man in a red uniform riding a white horse. the man is dressed in a red jacket with gold buttons, a black vest, and a white shirt. he has a black belt around his waist and a black and white scarf tied around his neck. the white horse has a black mane and tail, and there is a red-colored tree in the background. the painting is done in a traditional style with vivid colors and intricate details.
Prompt 2: depicts a man in a red uniform riding a white horse in a traditional painting. the man is wearing a red jacket with gold buttons, a black vest, and a white shirt, and has a black belt around his waist. the white horse has a black mane and tail, and there is a red-colored tree in the background. the painting is done in a vivid and intricate style, showcasing the historical and classic theme.