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asian girl in a white kimono posing in front of a blossoming cherry tree

Wellington Silva


a young woman in a traditional japanese kimono standing in a forest with blurry cherry blossoms in the background. the woman has long, dark hair and is dressed in white and blue. she looks directly at the camera with a serene expression. then cuts to a close-up shot of the woman's face. she has a small smile and her eyes are looking off in the distance. then cuts to a shot of the woman standing in a different location with the same blurry cherry blossoms in the background. the woman is still dressed in her traditional japanese attire and is looking directly at the camera. finally, cuts to a shot of the woman standing in a different location with the blurry cherry blossoms in the background. she is looking directly at the camera with a peaceful expression on her face.




Date Created

December 29,2023Wj




DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1016692

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a young woman in a traditional japanese kimono stands in a forest with blurry cherry blossoms. she has long hair and is dressed in white and blue. the woman looks directly at the camera with a peaceful expression, and cuts to close-up shots of her face and different locations with the same blurry cherry blossoms in the background.
Prompt 2: a young woman in a traditional japanese kimono standing in a forest with blurry cherry blossoms. she has long hair and is dressed in white and blue. the woman looks directly at the camera with a peaceful expression. cuts to close-up shots of her face and different locations with the same blurry cherry blossoms in the background.