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a young boy smiles while laying on his bed

Ezequiel Martinez


a young boy wearing a white shirt and blue jeans lying on a bed. the boy looks happy and smiling at the camera. he has a book and a smartphone on the bed beside him. the bed has a red and white blanket on it, and there is a blue and white comforter on top of the blanket. the boy is lying down on the bed with his arms stretched out to the side. there are some toys on the floor beside the bed, including a stuffed animal and a toy car. the boy seems to be enjoying himself on the bed, and the scene is quite peaceful.




Date Created

December 29,2023Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1016692

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a young boy lying on a bed while reading a book and playing with his smartphone. the boy is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, and he looks happy and relaxed. the bed has a red and white blanket on it, and there are some toys on the floor nearby. the scene is quite peaceful, and the boy seems to be enjoying himself.
Prompt 2: a young boy lying on a bed while reading a book and playing with his smartphone. the boy is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans and looks happy and relaxed. the bed has a red and white blanket on it, and there are some toys on the floor nearby. the scene is quite peaceful, and the boy seems to be enjoying himself.