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two dinosaurs are fighting in the jungle.

bruno charles piris


it features a cartoon of a green dinosaur and a small dinosaur in the forest, with leaves and vines surrounding them. then shows a close-up of the dinosaurs with different expressions. in the next frame, there is a green dinosaur in the forest again, this time with a red tongue. then changes to a picture of a green dragon in the forest, with leaves and branches around it. the dragon looks angry, and its eyes glow bright red. finally, there is a close-up of a green dinosaur in the forest, with its mouth open and a red glow in its eyes. overall, is a fantasy depiction of a green dinosaur and its smaller version in a forest, with different expressions and settings.




Date Created

January 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1061038

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a cartoon of a green dinosaur and a small dinosaur in a forest, with leaves and vines surrounding them. the dinosaurs have different expressions, and a close-up of the dinosaurs. there is a red glow in the eyes of the larger dinosaur, and the smaller one has a blue tongue. then shows a picture of a green dragon in the forest, with leaves and branches around it. finally, there is a close-up of a green dinosaur in the forest, with its mouth open and red glow in its eyes.
Prompt 2: a cartoon of a green dinosaur and a smaller one in a forest, with leaves and vines surrounding them. the dinosaurs have different expressions, and a close-up of the dinosaurs. there is a red glow in the eyes of the larger dinosaur, and the smaller one has a blue tongue. then shows a picture of a green dragon in the forest, with leaves and branches around it. finally, there is a close-up of a green dinosaur in the forest, with its mouth open and red glow in its eyes.