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the man is walking down a dark hallway.

Vanesa Gómez


depicts a dark and creepy corridor with a man walking down it. the walls are covered in blood, and there are shadows and darkness everywhere. the man wears a black suit and a hat, and he looks terrifying. he walks slowly and deliberately, and the camera follows him as he goes. there is no sound or dialogue, just the eerie atmosphere of the dark and abandoned corridor.




Date Created

January 3,2024Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1017981

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: is a dark and eerie corridor with a man walking slowly down it. the walls are covered in blood, and there are shadows and darkness everywhere. the man wears a black suit and a hat, and he looks terrifying. he walks deliberately, and the camera follows him as he goes. the atmosphere is tense and frightening, with no sound or dialogue.
Prompt 2: a dark corridor with a man walking slowly down it. the walls are covered in blood, and there are shadows and darkness everywhere. the man wears a black suit and a hat, and he looks terrifying. he walks deliberately, and the camera follows him as he goes. the atmosphere is tense and frightening, with no sound or dialogue.