a man and a woman are laughing while holding a cup of ice cream.
MARINA(impressionada)Já disse que acho adorável quando você tenta coisas novas?Lucas sorri, satisfeito, enquanto prepara o café com cuidado.LUCASÉ sempre um prazer tentar impressionar você, Marina.Enquanto isso, ao redor do café, outros jovens casais desfrutam de momentos semelhantes de romance e descontração. O clima é de serenidade e alegria, com músicos de rua tocando ao fundo, acrescentando uma trilha sonora suave à atmosfera.
Date Created
February 27,2024Wj

Realistic Vision
V5.1 (VAE)
Run Count 878007
Recommended Prompt
Prompt 1: a young man and woman standing on a street, laughing and holding a cup of coffee while smiling. the man is wearing a black shirt and the woman is wearing a white shirt. the scene is busy with people passing by in the background.
Prompt 2: a young couple is seen holding a cup of coffee on a busy street, laughing and smiling at each other. the woman wears a white shirt and the man wears a black shirt. the scene is filled with various people walking in the background.