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man walking on road with birds flying in the sky.



Trailer Title: "Morning Solitude"(Empty roads stretching into the horizon, birds chir in the distance.)0:02 - [Narrator] "In a world where time stands still..."(Scenes of a guy studying on a laptop in his room, sweat beads forming on his forehead from the scorching heat.)0:10 - [Guy] "Just one more page..."(Sunrise over a tranquil landscape, the promise of a new day.)0:15 - [Narrator] "Discover the beauty in everyday moments."(The guy closes his laptop, a smile on his face as he looks out at the peaceful morning.)0:20 - [Guy] "It's good to be alive."(Cut to black)0:25 - [Narrator] "Morning Solitude. Coming soon."




Date Created

February 22,2024Wj




DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1061368

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a person walking alone on a deserted road during sunset with black birds flying overhead. the person is walking in one direction, while the birds are flying in the opposite direction. the sun is setting in the background, creating a beautiful orange and pink sky.
Prompt 2: certainly! a lone person walking on a deserted road during sunset with black birds flying overhead. the person is walking in one direction, while the birds are flying in the opposite direction. the sun is setting in the background, casting a warm orange glow over the scene. the person appears to be deep in thought, and the birds create a serene atmosphere.