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the man is standing in front of a glowing room.

Fabritzio Parra


Crea un video de 1 minuto para proyectar holograficamente acerca del enfoque de complejidad dentro de psicología, realiza un video altamente explicativo pero estéticamente bello y entendible, al final del video incluye frases que digan: "Complejidad" y "Viva el grupo 2407" donde se encuentre relacionado e interconectado todo al final con unos estudiantes de psicología en FES Iztacala viendo un holograma.




Date Created

February 23,2024Wj




DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1061368

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man standing in a dimly lit room with a large, rotating colorful glass ball in the center. the room has a chair, table, and large glass window, and the man wears a black shirt and carries a backpack. the camera moves around the room to show different angles of the man and the glass ball. is surreal and interesting, with abstract shapes and colors visible throughout.
Prompt 2: a man standing in a dimly lit room with a large, rotating colorful glass ball. the room has a chair, table, and large glass window, and the man wears a black shirt. the camera moves around the room to show different angles of the man and the glass ball. is surreal and interesting, with abstract shapes and colors visible throughout.