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fried crab balls with cheese and lime wedges on a plate.

Paula Cristina


there are several small balls of meat, each topped with a slice of cheese. they are arranged on a plate and placed on a blue tablecloth. there is also a slice of lemon on the plate. the meatballs are brown and look savory, and the cheese on top adds a creamy texture. different angles of the meatballs, including a close-up of one of them.




Date Created

February 24,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: there are small balls of meat on a plate, each topped with cheese. they are arranged on a blue tablecloth and there is a slice of lemon nearby. the meatballs are brown and the cheese adds a creamy texture. close-ups of the meatballs.
Prompt 2: there are small balls of meat on a plate, topped with cheese. they are arranged on a blue tablecloth and there is a slice of lemon nearby. the meatballs are brown and the cheese adds a creamy texture.