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a woman in a lab is working on something

Andrey Yepanchinzev


a woman in a white lab coat mixing together different ingredients in a beaker. she then takes a sip of the liquid and talks to the camera. throughout the woman is seen in various shots mixing different ingredients and taking sips of the liquid. the overall theme of is the process of mixing and tasting ingredients in a lab setting.




Date Created

July 21,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman in a white lab coat who is demonstrating the mixing of liquids in a beaker. she wearing gloves and a face mask while performing the task. showcases her attention to detail and precision in handling the equipment. the woman's actions are precise and deliberate, indicating her expertise in the field of chemistry. is an excellent example of the importance of safety and cleanliness in a laboratory setting.
Prompt 2: a woman in a white lab coat and blue gloves standing in a laboratory. she is holding a test tube and talking to the camera. she then pours the contents of the test tube into a machine and mixes it with other liquids. the woman continues to mix the liquids and adds more to the machine. she then takes a test tube and pours its contents into the machine. the woman continues to mix the liquids and adds more to the machine. ends with the woman holding a test tube and talking to the camera.