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a painting of a woman with purple eyes

Ganesh Bhai


an image of a young woman with long black hair in a dark and mystical forest, surrounded by purple lights and a pink background. she wears a black cloak and holds a white flower. also includes a black and white version of the same image with a pink background and purple lights.




Date Created

September 19,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman with long black hair and a black cape standing in the middle of a forest. she is holding a purple-colored scissor and cutting her long black hair. the woman's hair is being transformed into a ponytail by a man wearing a black shirt. showcases the woman's creativity and self-expression through hair cutting.
Prompt 2: a woman dressed in a black cape, who is seen standing in front of a tree. she looks into the distance and brushes her hair with her hand. the woman is then shown in a purple dress, standing in front of a tree and holding a wand. she is also shown in a purple dress with a black cape, standing in front of a tree and holding a wand. also shows a woman in a black cape standing in front of a tree and holding a wand.