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a comic strip depicting a meeting between a man in a suit and a man in a hat

Shikhar Jaiswal


ChatGPT 4o miniLog inYou said:Dark funny story ChatGPT said:ChatGPTOnce in a small town, a man named Harold decided to open a funeral home. He thought it would be a great way to make a living and serve the community. However, he had a dark sense of humor that didn’t always sit well with the grieving families.One day, a widow came in, distraught over her husband’s death. Trying to lighten the mood, Harold said, “At least he won’t have to deal with any more of your cooking!” The widow stared, then unexpectedly burst into laughter. Harold was shocked; he had never seen someone laugh at a funeral before.Encouraged, he made a few more jokes during the arrangements. The more he joked, the more the families started to relax, sharing their own dark humor about death. Word spread, and soon his funeral home was the go-to place in town.As the business boomed, Harold even hosted “Comedy Nights” in the backroom, where people would gather to share their best death-related jokes. It became a strange community, where laughte




Date Created

September 21,2024Wj



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